
Thursday 17 April 2014


The heat was scorching, the light so intense we could hardly see. We were wincing from the pain behind our minds eye but knew if we didn't keep moving nothing would change. We had no thoughts of direction, anywhere would be better than here right now. We were screaming from the depth of our beings for relief yet the inertia of our minds and the entropy of the moment were proving extremely difficult to overcome. The action we needed to take was a decisive choice; stay or move. It was that simple.

Courage, my friends, was what was required. Though we were bathed in intense light, it was as if our very souls were shrouded in the thickest of darkness. The torment was coming in waves of increasing intensity and the rage rose and fell in opposition to feelings of utter desperation. Running on raw will power we wondered if we had enough energy to take action - any action.

So with all the effort we could summon (you choose):

We rise in support of each other and push back at the issue causing our pain,
We reach for a bottle of our favourite XYZ to sooth our cares away,
We slowly turn from the intensity of the situation and shrink a little inside, or
We scream at the world, at the top of our lungs, before returning to our lot in life.

Isn't it ironic then that the choices we make define us and not our circumstances? Isn't it amazing that the very society we rely on for support doesn't want to get involved? Whilst the internet is a great enabler for communication, there isn't anything quite like a having an arm around our shoulder! When everyone is talking, but no one is listening - when a person is trapped inside whilst surrounded by other people who can't notice - when the capitalist driven media tell us to consume and everything will be alright AND we believe it? As a social network, which choice do we make?

We all share this one planet. We all have so much in common. The inter-connectedness is what is lost to our modern culture. We don't need to see the news to ascertain the consequences of capitalist psychology on society, we can all feel the effects. Here is a video which may help us to gain some immediate perspective.

Bah, it's probably Easter and thoughts of Jesus getting nailed to a cross that somehow lessen our temporary pain. To think of this physical life as one part of our eternal existence helps immensely with perspective. In this increasingly fragmented and selfish culture it is reassuring to know that we are all connected to the eternal spirit of God whose grace and mercy knows no bounds.

Here's hoping we can all gain a sense of perspective and connect with family and friends over this long weekend. And I personally wish everyone of you the courage to connect with the Jesus who bore all our pain on the cross all those years ago.

Let's Drive,

Monday 14 April 2014

Boring ...

Townsville weekend!

Stuck inside for most of the weekend as a weather event called Cyclone Ita blew past.
Changed the ordinarily placid scenery into something else.

Barron River Falls in full flood
Yes it was windy and yes it was wet, but it was only a small one. Funny isn't it, I always wondered why people would want to live where it snows. BRRRRR - no thanks. But people look at us and think we're crazy for living in cyclone alley. Although many new residents get anxious about these weather events, I will find it hard to get excited about a Category 1 ever again.

Here's last weekend's storm.
Cyclone Ita 2014 approaching the coast

And to put it into PERSPECTIVE, here is Cyclone Yasi (2011) overlaid on a map of America.

Cyclone Yasi 2011

Yes there was a bit of wind and some low lying areas were inundated by the 1.8 metres storm surge. I did sneak out to capture some pictures during the eye of the cyclone.

Aplin Weir on Ross River #Townsville.

But as quick as the cyclone came, it left again. Looking back it was the media build up which seemed to intensify everyone's fear. There's a difference between an information update e.g. cyclone tracking southwest at 20km/h and an attention grabbing headline e.g. Cylone has the power to take lives. Sheesh. But thank God we have the ability to know they're coming now. Technology can be a wonderful thing!

All gone this morning, the sky is clear, the breeze is cool, most homes in Townsville have power back and I've got a busy work schedule. Here's to a great week everyone.

Let's Drive,

Thursday 10 April 2014

Enjoying The Journey

Hi All,

This week I've been away from home for work. It was only a short 800km round trip over a couple of days, but it is always great to be back home.

The route I took this week was the same, as the last time I did this exact same trip. So on the way home I thought I'd take the time and go a slightly longer, but different way. How lucky I am to have a life where I can spend an extra hour travelling 300 odd kilometres. It makes no difference to the business, but it makes a huge difference to me. I don't get home all wound up and irate because of delays caused by traffic, roadworks, etc

Hinchinbrook Island, Cardwell

There aren't too many places on the planet where tropical islands spring up along the coast as you drive along a main highway. Hinchinbrook Island is one of those places where yachts and large boats from all over the world travel to in order to enjoy the relaxed island lifestyle. There it is, just out of reach. No way am I swimming in croc and shark infested waters to get there!!! I guess that only adds to Hinchinbrook Island's exclusivity?

The Great Barrier Reef and all its coral coves are within easy reach from this island. Whale watching and brilliant off shore fishing expeditions are launched from there. But today I am land bound in a Toyota, so off we go.

Another great spot I drove by 

Mena Creek Falls

What is it about the sound of running water? I could of sat there till dark just listening to the water, the birds, the kids on school holidays screaming as they run around the parklands. Oh well, almost perfect hey? (chuckling to self) Who invented school holidays anyway? (bahaha)

Umm, this doesn't look like a highway (not even by Australian standards). 

Liverpool Creek
Notice the rope swing on the left? Well the kids on holidays, camping with their parent, were putting it to good use. Isn't it amazing how far some families will go to be together? Good on them!

Anyway, thank goodness for GPS systems. Next time, maybe you can take the long way home too?

Let's Drive,

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pain Threshold

Sometimes I wonder and sometimes I really don't care. Guess I'm like most people that way? Let me explain ..

I walked into a business today (who shall remain nameless for privacy reasons) and the workshop supervisor said, "Great you're here mate. Now can you sack this apprentice"? My reply went something like, "Well my role is to actually ensure training completion, to help sort through workplace issues and encourage communication strategies in the workplace. So ummm, no".

After digging around for a while, we got past the reasons the supervisor wanted the young apprentice sacked. You know the usual lazy teenager syndrome? Won't put in the effort, won't follow direct instructions in a timely manner, spends all day on his phone, isn't interested in what's going on in the workshop, can't read or write, etc.

Looking over the records it was clear, industrial relation procedures were being followed, with both verbal and written warnings being issued. I explained to the workshop supervisor that he's still within the 3 month trial period (just), so you can legally terminate his employment with little fuss. It is his decision NOT mine. Ahhh but you see, this young apprentice is the son of the Owner's best mate.

If you were to guess what I was thinking at this point it would be something like ...

You getting the vibe here? I was rapidly starting to lose interest in this story. Not because I'm a heartless barstard but because there was absolutely no way I could get this 45 year old man to grow a set in 30 minutes. (Well we'd just spent 20 minutes to get to this point, so that left us with 10)

This man was willing to live with the pain and inflict it on his co-workers, instead of dealing with an uncomfortable reality, an under performing employee. As was the business owner who didn't want to upset his best mate. I provided them with the necessary paperwork to ensure compliance with government regulations regarding terminating an apprenticeship and left.

On the three hour return drive home, I was thinking how inaction and having control taken from our lives can lead to depression. I remembered a recent motivational speech by JT Debolt in which he suggested that people are motivated to set goals for two main reasons;
1. To move toward a positive situation, e.g. I want to be thinner, or
2. To flee from a negative situation e.g. I don't want to be overweight.
Same goal, but different motivations. The closer No 1 gets to their goal, the greater their motivation. Inversely the closer No 2. gets to their goal, the less their motivation, because the pain that motivated them has also diminished.

Wasps love inflicting pain!

How much pain is this workshop supervisor, and his team, willing to endure before acting? How much pain do we put up with everyday to keep the peace? How many things go left unsaid in order to avoid more pain? We all have a limit, but the longer we drag these situations out, well you know in your own life hey? Which conversations are worth having and which battles are worth fighting? Unfortunately only time will tell. Let me encourage you to be like No 1 and aim for the positives you want in life, this helps to balance the painful parts.

Let's Drive,

Monday 31 March 2014