
Monday 24 March 2014

How Do You Keep Your Touch Screens Clean

I need to know. This is driving me crazy. How do you keep your touch screens clean? My smart phones and tablets have fingerprints all over them. I turn off the screen and errgghhh, what a mess. I'm starting to wonder if it's my failing eyesight or the smears on the screen making it difficult to read?

It's not really the fingerprints that worry me, they come off with a quick wipe on the shirt or pants. It's the distraction! This was brought home to me as I looked at the new range of laptops, which have touch screens. I find it hard to visualize wiping a laptop screen so easily with my clothes. Not without looking like a bit of a weirdo anyway.

Technology, that great enabler. I remember when computers were set to herald in the era of a paperless office. Why am I constantly collecting delivery receipts, statements from clients and posting increasingly larger envelopes back to head office? Why am I storing 5 years worth of taxation documentation when it's all submitted over the internet?

Technology has become the trend, regardless of how useful it is. We must do what technology enables now, instead of choosing whether or not the latest technological wizardry lines up with our goals. In business it's even worse, with everyone worried about loosing this competitive advantage. I want to choose the direction my life takes and I hope I am encouraging you to do the same. To ren0vate our thinking.

"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's Drive

Wednesday 19 March 2014

I'm Positive (well mostly)

Work - arrggghhh. Phone rings, another problem to solve. Whether it's teenagers poor attitudes in the workplace, students behind on payment plans, supervisors unable to communicate effectively with employees, customer complaints about quality of repairs, the list goes on and on ....

It is truly amazing that tradespeople are so inept in other areas of their lives. We constantly bang on about, servicing vehicles, maintaining tyre pressures, keeping filters clean, checking lights, fluid levels, wiper blades etc. Keeping an eye on these little things will generally prevent the big things from breaking. Our last family car had regular fluid changes and it was still running strong with 240,000 km's on the clock. Shouldn't people realise prevention is better than a cure, in all aspects of life?

But it's OK, we're home just in time for dinner and to watch the evening news. Depression city, more problems, more focus on the day's tragedys without any real solutions being offered. So, quick summary of the news so we don't have to watch it tonight. Politicians are liars, tragic accidents happen, business dealings are corrupt, people do some really sick and harmful stuff to each other,  famous celebrities are self obsessed, sports people aren't perfect role models. Oh and I almost forgot, it'll probably rain tomorrow - or not.

Why has our capitalist, media driven, democratic culture, become so focussed on the negative and problems? Why are so many people unable to take small steps in preventing issues from escalating? Why am I worrying about things I cannot change? Because they affect me and you, our thought patterns are shaped by what happens around us. So that's why I went for a walk.

The River Bed

Walking in the Australian bush is wonderful and inspiring. Looking for beauty, as opposed to looking for problems. It's an absolute change in mindset. It's refreshing, let us breathe again. Ahhh, 'The Serenity'.

Water Too
The sound of running water, how soothing is that? Abundant bird life filing the air with their calls, wallabys scampering nimbly across the rocky slopes, snakes slithering silently through the thick undergrowth, insects buzzing around our heads and the wind gently rustling the leaves of the majestic trees.

Jourama Water Falls

Hours later we left the Paluma Range National Park. Physically exhausted, but mentally relaxed, emotionally recharged and spiritually refreshed.

There are problems in the Australian landscape, I hear you say? Yeah, but it's only the tourists who seem to freak out about the 101 assorted deadly species of animals, insects and even plants trying to kill us. I hope you get to experience the beauty of your natural surroundings this weekend. Look after the little things, enjoy and recharge!

Let's Drive,

Monday 17 March 2014


Of the many response we humans can have, some we enjoy and some we don't. Frustration is a response we can have, a natural response, to events, people and life in general. There are many so called expert psychological theorists who will tell us that frustration is negative and to be avoided at all costs. Somehow our modern western culture has come to accept the proposition that; there is something wrong with us if we experience these so called 'negative' emotional responses.

I would argue, dear friends, frustration is good ! Why? Because it can point us toward things that we find unacceptable in our lives and help us design a reasoned response which can ultimately displace the frustration. Yes, this would require mental effort, reflection, dedication to change, goal setting, good friends and perhaps some kind of coach or mentor. Hard work as opposed to numbing the feelings with alcohol or reaching for a bottle of the latest prescription containing Fluoxetine.

I for one am frustrated by huge multi-national corporations controlling the political direction of my country. I am frustrated by police who enforce the rights of faceless corporations over living breathing human beings. I am frustrated by politicians who get a 42% pay rise but couldn't be bothered, taking a few weeks or months to draft worthwhile legislation. I guess frustration can also spring from not getting what we want, because to consume new things and ideas will bring us happiness right?

Stop listening to the mainstream media; just because it's on Facebook doesn't make it true. (or my blog for that matter) Be encouraged - it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you because you are not ecstatic 24 hours a day.  Just because we don't like certain feelings doesn't mean they're not a valid and reasonable response in your life. Make an emotional contract with yourself. Find a great trustworthy friend to help you develop your goals and stick to the plans.

And if your problems seem to big to overcome ... remember one man stopped four tanks that day!

Tiananmen Square

Let's Drive,

Thursday 13 March 2014


Walking, yep I'm walking around today, not driving. Walking is something that most of us take for granted. It is good for us on a number of levels; obviously physically because the blood starts pumping, the muscles get cleaned by oxygen rich blood and all the internal organs get moved around. This happens no matter the reason we walk. But sometimes walking can be good for us emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Like the other day when I went for a stroll around the local dam with my wonder wife.

Birds On The Water
 The water is held back to provide a source of drinking water for Townsville as well as to mitigate flooding downstream. The birds enjoy the calm water and feed on many of the other species, which come seeking a drink. Whole ecosystems appear to be thriving in this place. And the cool breeze blowing off the water is a real bonus up here in the tropics. Yep, on the up stream of the dam life is grand.

Walking further around the local dam we came to the spillway. It always amazes me how these giant concrete and metal monsters don't leak. These marvels of engineering are great for maintaining the dam level, but not so great for down stream.

Ross River Dam, Townsville

Look at he colour of that water. Bleerrrrkkkkk. Water that doesn't move soon starts to grow, becoming rich in bacteria and algal blooms. The contrast in water quality between both sides of the dam wall, could not have been more obvious.

Does this same stillness create stagnation in all areas of our lives? Mental stagnation from shying away from ideas different to our own. Emotional stagnation from remaining in our own little comfort zone? Spiritual stagnation because we are isolated from other people and nature.

Let's do something today that scares us, something that is out of our comfort zone, something that will move those stagnant waters. Connect with a stranger, listen to a broadcast on TED, walk around and find something positive to appreciate. Whatever you choose to do, may it flush all the toxins from your downstream.

Let's Drive,